Luckiest Girl Alive // Why Not Me? // Eight Hundred Grapes // Beautiful Ruins
Wildflower // Sons and Daughters of Ease and Plenty
It’s the time of year where you might need to pick up a good book for your summer travels. If you’re anything like me, you pick up a couple of paperbacks on your way to the beach. I just finished Eight Hundred Grapes, and it would’ve been one of those great beach books, so I decided to put together this short list of summer vacation reads. Most of these are on my list to read this summer, I’m getting ready to dive into Luckiest Girl Alive (which I’ve heard is a Gone Girl kind of story, so I’m looking forward to diving into it.) I have to tell you that I read Beautiful Ruins on my honeymoon and then again last summer while I was at the beach…it’s just that good. It may become a regular in my rotation of beach books, since I picked it up in paperback last summer. So, what should I add to the list? Have you ready any of these books?