We bloggers like to show all the pretty things we make and do…but sometimes things are ugly and recipes fail. Luckily, when the recipe I was working on over the weekend failed, I turned it into a yummy summer treat: Honeysuckle Lemonade Granita. If I were to try to describe granita, I would say it’s kind of like a sno cone. And we all need a grown-up sno cone every once in a while, right? As you can tell from the multiple recipes I’ve made with it…I can’t get over the refreshing summertime flavor that comes from combining together Cathead’s Honeysuckle Vodka with lemon.
Our local berry farm happened to have blueberries ready to pick when we went and picked the last strawberries of the season, so we’ve got a big dish of fresh berries in the fridge. When I was scooping granita into dishes, the husband suggested I toss in some of those sweet blueberries we just picked. (He’s a keeper.) That was the perfect little garnish for these icy lemonade treats.
This is hardly even a recipe, it’s so easy to make. Are you ready?
1. Grab some kind of glass dish you don’t mind sticking in the freezer for a while.
2. Mix together your Honeysuckle Vodka and lemonade in a 1:3 ratio, depending on how much granita you’re hoping to have.
3. Pour your boozy lemonade into the glass dish, cover and stick it in the freezer.
4. Then, just give it a stir every couple of hours with a fork until it’s all icy.
I can’t wait to make some more kinds of granita this summer, what flavors would you like to see?