Warm weather and cold coffee are a perfect pair, don’t you think? Actually, I’ll drink iced coffee any old time. Lately I’ve been mixing up a big batch of this cold brew concentrate at home and I love having a jar in the fridge.
One of my favorite ways to get out of the house is to find a spot at a local coffee shop to set up my computer and order a large iced coffee. Obviously, I haven’t been able to do that in a while so I’ve been missing my coffee shop work days. Making my own cold brew has been fun, plus I can try to make some fun coffee drinks, too.
This is truly so easy to do, it’s just taken me a little while to figure out my ratios. I found this tube filter recently, and it is so much better than the nut bag I was using before. Both work really well, but the tube is much easier to clean.
Here’s what you need:
- Tube Filter (I have this one) or a nut milk bag
- 2 cups of coffee grounds
- 64oz. Mason Jar
- 6 cups Water
How to Make Cold Brew
Add the coffee grounds into your filter, then place it in your mason jar. Slowly pour the water over the coffee grounds, making sure to saturate them all. Once all the water is in the jar, close it up and refrigerate it overnight. In the morning, remove the filter (and let it drain for a while in a cup to make sure you get all the good cold brew.) Then you’re ready to enjoy! It is a concentrate, so add a little water or your favorite type of milk to dilute it and you’ve got a perfect iced coffee. I like my coffee strong, so I fill mine a little more than halfway with coffee, then top it off with water or milk.
Looking for more easy recipes? You can find all of mine right here.