Honestly, October has huge potential for being my favorite month of the year. I love seeing pumpkins being everywhere and finally having some nice fall weather. And now it’s the week of Halloween, so the countdown is on. Now, I don’t know about you, but I often listen to podcasts while I’m working. I’ve definitely got a few favorites (and one of them is on this list!) Since it’s what we’re calling “spooky season,” I thought it might be fun to share a few spooky podcast that you can listen to this week. These are all perfect for getting in the halloween spirit, but you know…they’re spooky. So if that’s not your jam, maybe skip this one.
5 Spooky Podcasts to Listen to This Halloween
- Lore This has been one of my favorite podcasts for a few years, if I’m being honest. I binged it for a while, and now just mix it in with all the other podcasts that I listen to. It’s really interesting and if you want a basic description, this one from the website describes it pretty perfectly: ” Lore is a podcast about the frightening history behind common folklore.” It’s an interesting way to learn about folklore and an easy kind of spooky that you can listen to multiple episodes if you’d like. Fair warning, there are a times that it can be a little intense in descriptions, but I’ve only skipped two episodes that were just a little too much for me.
- Haunted Places That title is pretty self-explanatory: each episode goes into the story behind a different haunted place. It’s really interesting and a little bit unsettling, you know…since it’s real stories behind hauntings. I’ll be honest, I almost turned off the first episode a couple of minutes in, but I stuck with it and ended up really enjoying these spooky stories. So far, I haven’t skipped anything, so that’s a good sign of creepy, but not TOO creepy.
- This Podcast is Haunted is a comedy podcast. If you enjoy a podcast in the style of My Favorite Murder, you’ll probably enjoy this one. It’s all ghost stories and creepy history and really fun to listen to. So…spooky stories, but they’ll make you laugh about it, too.
- The Moonlit Road If you just want to hear some ghost stories, this is the podcast for you. Each episode is a different southern ghost story. There are no frills, no discussions, just readings of spooky ghost stories. These episodes are also shorter than everything else on this list. Most of them are less than 20 minutes long, so they’re easy listening…for ghost stories.
- The Strange South is another podcast full of spooky Southern stories that will also make you laugh. One of the hosts, Patrice, was one of my graphic design professors, and occasionally chooses stories that come from the area where I grew up. Lots of their stories are actually from places that I’m familiar with, so it’s just a lot of fun to listen to. Plus, they always have a cocktail.
Turns out, I haven’t shared any podcasts in a while, but you can see a few more of my recommendations here and here.